587-581-5081 Marikarhall@icloud.com

A few years ago when I was doing a  three day solo during my shamanic apprenticeship, I was gifted with several large chunks of resin from the Ponderosa Pine trees that lined my solo site. These trees had kept me company, aided me in anchoring myself to the earth and growing up to the heavens and even gave me a song to use in ceremony and healings. Since that time the resin has sat in my medicine box just waiting to be turned into medicine and finally I have come up with an amazing and delicious way to use some of this precious tree essence.

As apart of an equinox/eclipse ritual I have been preparing I wanted to offer the participants some delicious treats that invoked the season of spring, the spirit of wood and support the liver/gallbladder. What better way to invoke the spirit of wood, than to ingest it in some delicious raw chocolate. You can find more other recipe for Nettle Pesto Layered Panigacci here.

Pine is incredibly medicinal:

  • Antiseptic
  • Anti-infectious
  • Anitfungal
  • Antidiabetic
  • Neurotonic
  • Decongestant of the lymphatic system
  • Parasiticide
  • anti-catarrhal
  • stimulant
  • tonic

“The pine may be used in cases of bronchitis, sinuitis, or upper respiratory catarrh, [cough], both as an inhalant and internally.  It may also be helpful in asthma.  The stimulating action gives the herb a role in the internal treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.  There is a tradition of adding a preparation of the twigs to bath water to ease fatique, nervous debility, and sleeplessness, as well as aiding the healing of cuts and soothing skin irritations.”

  • The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal by David Hoffman, p. 124

Pine Resin Raw Chocolate

1/2 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup raw honey

1/2 cup raw cacao powder

pinch of sea salt

1 Tbsp Pine essence

  1. In the bottom of a double boiler heat up some water and add your coconut oil and honey to the top of the boiler, whisking it until it melts and combines.
  2. Once honey and oil are fully melted and combined, add the vanilla, cacao and salt and mix until completely combined.
  3. Next slowly add the cedar essence, 1 Tbsp the way I have prepared it is enough to just give the faintest taste without the bitterness. Even with this little amount you are still taking in this precious medicine.
  4. pour the chocolate into a flat glass dish or chocolate molds and put in the freezer. It usually takes about a hour to freeze depending on the thickness.

While you eat these make sure to fully embody the cedar and witness how your body responds to it.

Quick Pine Essence:

1/4 cup Coconut Oil

1 tsp Pine resin

Slowly heat oil and add resin, stirring until it is melted but don’t leave it too long as lots of the essential oils will be burned off.

Strain into a glass jar and let cool. It should keep indefinitely.

If you have more time. You can break up the resin into bits and put it into a glass mason jar and fill it with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Grapeseed oil or liquid Coconut oil and leave it for two to six weeks. This will keep all the essential oils.

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