by marikare | Jul 4, 2023 | Acupuncture, birth, body wisdom, doula, Friends, mental wellbeing, nervous system, postpartum, resilience, Self-Love |
” Rest is not only an act of self-care but of reclamation, rememberance and resistance.”
I began writing this at 31 weeks into my second pregnancy and it has taken me over a year to finish it. It is on a topic that has been on my mind for a long time, especially since experiencing pregnancy and being a mom and it is around our ideas of Rest. What does it mean to truly rest and why is it so hard for so many of us to do? Why do so many suffer from chronic fatigue? Why do most of my patients, especially the mamas come to me exhausted, stressed and still pushing themselves? Why is it that when someone is sick or injured they go back to work the minute they can. If anything I would have hoped Covid would have taught us to slow down and really wait till we are better before we go back to work, but alas it seems that now we just work from our homes and continue to push ourselves.
Ever since having my daughter four year ago I have felt tired on some level or another, there were moments before that, of course, while busy trying to study and work or when ill or injured but nothing quite like trying to be a working mother. Add another pregnancy and a second job and it was hard to function without multiple naps. I certainly am better at allowing myself to rest these days, as I know how trying to rush back to things leads to more illness and exhaustion, and yet I still feel that pressure from somewhere deep inside myself, a seed planted, a family icon calling to me that I should be doing more, I should be better by now, I should be able to get up and go like I used to.
As I see it there are many factors that affect this, One of the most insidious of these runs back to the origins of North American colonization, that of the Protestant Ethic. An idea that the work we did was what made us worthy under the eyes of God and the harder we worked the more “holy” we were. This can easily be seen playing out in the “American Dream” and the idea that we can create anything from our hardwork, no matter who we were born to or our status in society. This powerful messaging has been carried forth by our culture and our families. My Father’s family who came to North America very early on has this story woven into our DNA, I saw it in the way my grandfather, father and uncle worked so hard, and how they indulged in booze, food and marijuana to make them feel better in their lives and I have seen it in myself, how i push myself to achieve more or take on more things than I can handle.
This history of hard work and no rest that is woven into our culture has caused many to feel like failures, sinking into some form of addiction to numb the voice of disapproval or manifesting some illness that will not allow them to work hard anymore. The body or mind demanding the rest that is so desperately needed. This has been a recurring theme for myself and many I know, taking on too much and then either becoming ill, getting injured or having to cancel a commitment that you made because it is all too much. The sense of failure leads many to some form of addiction or self-beratement that pulls us further down the spiral of having to work harder.
Then there is the need to survive in this reality we have created, rising food costs and rent, mortgages and childcare. I recently discovered that Canada has one of the highest housing to income costs in the world. In the face of the cost of living I understand why people don’t rest when they need to and yet as a society and a country that is evidently one of the best to live in in the world we don’t take very good care of our people.
But there is another way, a way our ancient ancestors knew and a way that many are starting to find and that is to move more slowly, to recognize these stories within ourselves and our culture and resist them, to allow ourselves to fully rest when we need to. At one point in time the Estimated Due Date (EDD) for a woman was known as the Estimated Date of Confinement (EDC) and it was not the date when baby was expected to arrive but the period of time she would remove herself from the world to care for herself, to nap and walk in nature, to eat many small nourishing meals, to nest and move into the deeper delta waves of the brain that are needed to birth and care for an infant. It was also common practice that a mother and babe would be left alone in the quiet and dark of their birthing space for weeks to allow for the full healing of the mother’s body and the gentle welcoming of the baby into the world. At birth we are blown open and our babies are just entering into a whole new world, still half in the realms of spirit they need time to settle into their bodies and become aware of the world around them. It is up to us to reclaim this practice of rest and care and support each other in it.
So what can we do? Firstly, we can honour our need to rest and when our bodies feel exhausted we can lie down or take a nap. Set boundaries around your time and capacity so you can nourish yourself first in order to give back to the world. Secondly, we can look to our friends and family and recognize when they are in need of an extra hand. When visiting a new mom bring her food and offer to do some laundry or wash some dishes. When a friend is ill or had surgery check in and see if you could pick up their groceries or medications or bring them some soup you lovingly made or bought. Offer to watch your friends kids for an hour or two and let them go and do whatever it is they most desire to do; nap, watch a movie, get a massage,….. It is only through caring for ourselves and then those we love that this will ripple out into our communities and eventually out into society at large.
by marikare | Dec 24, 2020 | astrology, body wisdom, chinese medicine, Five elements, Friends, grief, mental wellbeing, nervous system, resilience, Ritual, Self-Love, shamanism, Soul wisdom, traditions, Uncategorized |
It has been a while since I have written I have been enjoying a much needed break from all the extras in life. After the wild ride 2020 has offered us up, I have been spending time with my family, friends and clients and in quiet contemplation and reflection as i truly believe this time of year is meant for.
This time to nourish myself and take care of my body has offered a great many lessons, including some deep transformations of family patterns and bodily manifestations of these patterns, which only seemed fitting after teaching a course on Ancestral healing and medicine. I am still working at it as we all are but I can feel the shifts with the eclipses and solstices.
I know from speaking to many of you, that either you or those you know are also experiencing such things. It may show up in an emotional pattern, a dis-ease, a traumatic accident. All of these things are coming up to help us shed the last vestiges of Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn which as an earth sign is focused on the physical, our structures and habits and patterns. Each awakening of a pain, illness or broken bone is an opportunity for us to learn and shift. Bones and teeth particularly hold our oldest patterns from our ancestors and even our past lives. So though I know it can be hard and painful and seem so bleak when we initially discover experience these pains and traumas, remember that it is always darkest before the light and with some quiet reflection and the desire to learn from our situations we can begin to shine our own light on the darkness and discover the medicine that resides there.
So I invite you all to sit a little in the dark and get curious see what is there for you and with love and compassion begin to light your inner light on the situation asking what you need to learn from this and what support you need. If you are having trouble awakening your own light, you can try lighting a candle and asking the spirit of fire to enter into you heart and burn away the fear, and hucha there and once it is gone ask the fire to help grow your inner light, a bright clear light that is part of who you are as a person and what the world needs right now.
And of course if you need more support I am always here for a session to help you find out what it is the dark is trying to tell you and how you can awaken this light to help transform these pains into crystals.
With so much love and Gratitude,
by marikare | Mar 31, 2020 | Acupuncture, astrology, birth, body wisdom, chinese medicine, death, family, Friends, grief, Ritual, Self-Love, Soul wisdom, traditions, wild food |
Dear Ones,
These are extraordinary times we are living in and they call for us to gather up all our strength and tools to navigate them. In shamanic traditions it is believed we are constantly dreaming our world into being and advances in the world of quantum physics we are beginning to see how true it is. So I challenge you at this time to begin to allow yourself to dream. Think on all the things in your life that aren’t working for you and begin to paint a picture of how they can improve, think on all the things you love in your life and how you want them amplified, expand your thought to your family, friends, community, city, country and out across the whole world.
Here is mine:
I want to live in a world that is ridiculously accepting, generous and loving.
Where children can feel safe to play in their communities
Where everyone can feel safe to be who they are
Where people touch, hug, kiss and express their love, joy and gratitude for each other
Where everyone’s perspective is welcome
Where we know ourselves as the stewards of mother earth and care for all her children
Where we use only what we need and share what we have
Where people are connected to their dreams, their spirit guides, their ancestors and their higher selves
Where life is regarded as a true miracle and death is regarded as the next step in a well lived life
Where ritual marks each day and the initiations we pass through are honoured and celebrated, allowing for time and space to mourn and grieve
Where we care more about the quality of the food we eat and where it comes from than our latest new gadget
Where integrative and traditional medicines are valued just as highly as modern medicine
Where companies give back to the communities they work in, take from and are responsible for the full life cycle of the things they create
Where our elders are seen as the bearers of great wisdom and the passers down of memory
Where each choice we make takes into consideration the next seven generations
Where every person has enough food, water, clothing, a warm, cozy, safe home, access to the tools needed to practice their passions, hobbies, work and art
I’d love to hear your dream! Please share in the comments or email me at
by marikare | Mar 19, 2020 | Acupuncture, body wisdom, chinese medicine, death, family, Friends, grief, research, traditions, wild food |
Wow, what a time we are living in!! I have to remind myself daily that this is the world we have dreamed and it is truly amazing to see how people are coming together, how the pollution of the world is down, how we are being asked to move more slowly in such a fast paced world. I really and truly see it as a gift we are being offered and not one to take lightly. Below you will find some information on covid-19 that perhaps you have not come across and some resources to help you through this and all the other challenges life has in store for us.
All life is connected, in fact our bodies are literally made up of bacteria and viruses. They help us break down our food and bolster our immune systems and challenge us to evolve physically, mentally and spiritually. Viruses are especially fascinating as they require a host cell to replicate and so parts of our DNA are actually virus DNA.
We can not escape this truth nor can we escape interacting with these microorganisms. It is a part of being human. But many of us view these tiny beings we share the planet with as something to be eradicated. I think however it is more about harmony than war. Our bodies are innately clever and built to decide which organisms are friend and which are foe. Our greatest defence against organisms that threaten our lives is in our immune systems and part of the immune system is built up of good microorganisms.
In traditional Chinese medicine pathogens are broken down into wind, cold, hot or toxins often with accompanying dampness. In order to expel the pathogens we need strong wei Qi and Zheng Qi (immunity) which are built out of kidney and and stomach fluids. If we are stressed, depleted, or weak than we won’t have enough Qi to defend our bodies and the sicker we will become.
So how can you boost your immune system firstly through diet, eating warm wet foods- porridge, soup, broth, stew, avoiding cold, damp building foods like candy, ice cream, dairy, processed foods. We can also take supplements, herbs and at home practices that have been shown to improve our immune systems.
Vitamin A,C&D
Chaga and reishi mushrooms
Qi gong
Finally we need to release the fear, anxiety and stress as it is one of the primary things that weakens our immune system. Here are a few suggestions
deep breaths,
time in nature.
warm baths,
talking with loved ones,
rescue remedy,
Meditation ( sign up for my newsletter to download my tree of life meditation)
All of this goes far beyond just the virus, the incredible amounts of change that are being asked of us are unsettling to our instinctive centre. Residing just below our root chakra, our instinctive centre remembers all of our early childhood, ancestoral and past life traumas. Whenever anything is unsettling to it, whether it be childhood trauma, an ancestor who died of the spanish influenza or our own death many life times ago from another epidemic, our body remembers and the fear rises up, even if we rationally know the fear is not justified by the circumstances our bodies don’t know that and we are sent into a fight, flight or freeze response. The best ways to manage this are with breath, bringing awareness into your body and your environment to remember you aren’t in immediate threat, smudging yourself with tobacco, palo santo or sage and getting shamanic healing to clear the fear and realign the body, mind and spirit.
Remember all challenges are opportunities, For the first time in years you can hear the birds singing in Wuhan, there is no smog in the skies of major cities like LA, people are coming together online to support those less fortunate in need. We are truly at a time of writing a new dream for humanity. I personally am incredibly excited about this opportunity! In Shamanism, there is a practice of dreaming our worlds into being, most shamanic cultures believe that everything we believe comes true and so each moment we have a chance to dream a new and better world into being. Through practices like mindfulness this is what we are doing, we are becoming aware of our surroundings, our actions and our reactions and learning to change them, creating a new reality for ourselves. What better time to try and do this then when we are asked to change our lives and are given the time and space to rest, reflect and dream.
I hope you take this time to dive deep, walk in nature, move slowly, enjoy time with your loved ones and really imagine what a better world would be like.
To help you I have recorded a tree of life mediation which is part of my morning routine and is excellent at releasing fear, worry, anxiety and stress, grounding oneself and realigning body, mind and spirit with all that is. You can get your free copy when you sign up for my email newsletter.
I am also offering sliding scale distance shamanic healings. A powerful way to reset our systems, clear our fears and begin to dream again. $30-60/session
I will be available for a limited number of acupuncture and shamanic acupuncture sessions for those in need.
I am also available by email if you have any questions or concerns.
Many Blessings
Marika Reid Hall RAc HDP BA
by marikare | Mar 8, 2016 | astrology, Friends, moon, Ritual, Self-Love, Soul wisdom, Uncategorized |
Pisces calls to our highest selves, the part of us that knows we are divine manifestations and from this place asks of us to be of service to the greatest good of all beings in this universe. Being the last sign before the coming spring and rebirth of Aries, Pisces holds in it the wisdom of a full lived life and the intuition and imagination of one who has seen all things come to pass. In conjunction with Chiron (the wounded healer) We are given a chance to look at our woundings with the most compassionate and loving eyes and from this place transform our stories and become empowered by them. Realizing we are the makers of our own fate, we can remember that we chose this path and it has made us who we are today. Through taking back our power and no longer playing the victims in our lives we can heal ourselves and share this wisdom of our empowerment.
I have shared my own story here on my dear friend Jenn’s blog, please give it a read and in honour of this powerful time I wish to offer you a ritual to work with your own empowerment. I will be offering these rituals each month, one for the new moon and one for the full moon, to help us all move into greater connection with spirit.
Find a quiet place, cleanse it, light a candle and call in your guides and helpers.
Grounding- tree exercise- asking for wisdom from the sun, moon, and chiron
write down the story of your wounding or a story that you hold that you are a victim to at the moment.
Reread it and focus on the feelings, energies and impressions you get from it.
Reflect on how this story has helped to strengthen you and make you who you are today
Now take your story and thank spirit for the lessons you have learned and burn it in the flames of your candle feeling the energy of it dissolve.
Rewrite the story from a place of gratitude and power, focusing on the strength you have gained and the lessons you have learned
Place your new story on your altar or in a special place where you can see it throughout your day until the full moon.
Thank your guides, spirit and helpers and blow out your candle, clearing the space again.
by marikare | Jan 27, 2016 | Friends, Self-Love, Soul wisdom |
I find myself sitting here exactly 40 mins before the moment I was born 34 years ago, filled with so much love and appreciation for my life. This is a far cry from where I found myself five days ago when I was feeling pretty down right shitty about my birthday. I normally really love my birthday, in fact I usually celebrate a whole birth week, filled with dinners, dancing, ceremony, shopping and some kind of healing. This year however being in a new-ish place with new friendships budding, I felt an incredible loneliness in not having my tried and true friends who know me inside out nearby to celebrate with me in the ways that they know I love. The idea of having to invite these new people in my life to my birthday seemed insanely daunting. The immense fear of rejection weighing upon my heart.
In mulling these feelings over I came to the realization that I needed to be able to celebrate me on my own and honour the fact that I am a person worthy of celebrating and that others want to celebrate me too. And as I sit here nearing the end of the day and the exact time of my birth, I realize just how supported and loved I am and how spirit has once again reminded me that I am a divine being and am always cared for. Not only did I receive calls, texts and facebook messages but in sharing my feelings around this birthday, those newly budding friends have stepped into full friend mode and shown me that they care and wish to spend this day celebrating with me. This whole week has been a powerful reminder of how the fears I have only exist within me and that I am the one doing the disservice to myself and all those I come in contact with when I do not share my whole self.
So this year I wish to see myself as spirit does and all those who love me do, as I was reminded today by the beautiful words shared with me. I thank you all so much for this reminder and being apart of my life.
I love you all!!!! Happy Birthday to me!