587-581-5081 Marikarhall@icloud.com

Dear Ones,

These are extraordinary times we are living in and they call for us to gather up all our strength and tools to navigate them. In shamanic traditions it is believed we are constantly dreaming our world into being and advances in the world of quantum physics we are beginning to see how true it is. So I challenge you at this time to begin to allow yourself to dream. Think on all the things in your life that aren’t working for you and begin to paint a picture of how they can improve, think on all the things you love in your life and how you want them amplified, expand your thought to your family, friends, community, city, country and out across the whole world.

Here is mine:

I want to live in a world that is ridiculously accepting, generous and loving.

Where children can feel safe to play in their communities

Where everyone can feel safe to be who they are

Where people touch, hug, kiss and express their love, joy and gratitude for each other

Where everyone’s perspective is welcome

Where we know ourselves as the stewards of mother earth and care for all her children

Where we use only what we need and share what we have

Where people are connected to their dreams, their spirit guides, their ancestors and their higher selves

Where life is regarded as a true miracle and death is regarded as the next step in a well lived life

Where ritual marks each day and the initiations we pass through are honoured and celebrated, allowing for time and space to mourn and grieve

Where we care more about the quality of the food we eat and where it comes from than our latest new gadget

Where integrative and traditional medicines are valued just as highly as modern medicine

Where companies give back to the communities they work in, take from and are responsible for the full life cycle of the things they create

Where our elders are seen as the bearers of great wisdom and the passers down of memory

Where each choice we make takes into consideration the next seven generations

Where every person has enough food, water, clothing, a warm, cozy, safe home, access to the tools needed to practice their passions, hobbies, work and art


I’d love to hear your dream! Please share in the comments or email me at marikarhall@icloud.com

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